Event Photography ~ My Baby Shower

This is the event photography from my baby shower that happened last weekend in South Bend, Indiana! My mother-in-law was the host, and she really created something special, in so many ways. I have been very lucky to marry into the most wonderful family. I am truly overwhelmed by all of the love and support from family & friends. Mike and I are certainly thankful for the gifts, but most of all, I am thankful for the wonderful moments and special memories that will last forever. Babies really do bring people together! I can only hope that our baby girl will have as many wonderful people in her life. Thank you, to everyone that played a part in showering us with love.

Event Photography

Spending this time with my mother-in-law was such a blessing! I really can’t thank her enough for everything she did to make this happen 🙂 Below, you can see all of the detail she put into planning this baby shower. She provided the most adorable and colorful vases, as favors…and they were accented so appropriately with floral work by Heaven & Earth. The event was catered by Thyme of Grace, at their restaurant, and it couldn’t have been more perfect.

Good thing my mother-in-law had a new camera for us to capture the event photography…I didn’t even take my professional camera with me, as I was trying to carry the least amount of weight possible, across the country and through the airports. Normally, I would never do that, but I am trying to make the best decisions possible, for our baby girl 🙂 Once I was there, I couldn’t help myself, and just had to capture the details and a little bit of the event photography from this baby shower, even if it was my own shower!
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Last year, I photographed Mike’s cousin’s wedding, and his new wife attended the shower…how adorable is the sock bouquet she created?! I absolutely love it when people put that kind of thought and creativity into a gift. Thanks, Tia!
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There were many amazing gifts, but the best gift of all came from my mother-in-law…she had a quilt created, from the shirts of my late father-in-law. The shirts all related to time spent with him, our interests, or trips together. There were personalized messages on the quilt, such as “Papa loves me,” “XOXOXO” and “These are the shirts I used to wear. Whenever you wrap yourself in them, know that I am there. Love, Papa” There was hardly a dry eye, after I pulled the quilt out and read those messages…how special for our little girl to have something that represents her Papa with such character and meaning.
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I have to thank everyone that was involved with making my baby shower so memorable. My mom couldn’t make it, but she sent a card, that I was able to read at the shower. My mom’s support is constant, and she sent an amazing gift in place of her attendance 🙂 A very special thank you goes to my sister Julie, for helping with the event photography. My other sister, Toni, helped keep me organized so that I can send proper thank you notes.

I am so grateful for my mother-in-law…if she wouldn’t have planned this, I wouldn’t have had a night with my sisters and my best friend. That never happens! Like I said, babies bring people together…but, this would have never happened without my wonderful mother-in-law! It was so nice to spend some time with the women that are important to my mother-in-law. They were all so supportive, even if it was the first time that I met some of them. There really are no words to express how much this event meant to me…the fleeting moments, before baby, are so precious. Seeing everybody’s excitement has made quite the impression on me. I am so blessed and so thankful for everything and for everybody.

  1. Kelsey, your words and your pictures just exude happiness! What a lucky baby girl to come into a world being so loved and wanted!!

    Big hugs to you,

    Linda (Menesez)

    • Santa Barbara Wedding Photographer says:

      Thank you, so much, for such a kind comment 🙂 Hugs right back at you!

  2. Jenny Sickmiller says:

    Beautiful pictures! It sounds like the perfect visit home. XO

    • Santa Barbara Wedding Photographer says:

      Thanks, Jenny…of course, the trip felt like it was too short, but some wonderful things happened! I am very grateful. Wish I could have seen you, while I was there 🙂

      • Jenny says:

        Oh, me too, sugar plum! I remember how hard it is when the visits are quick. I’ll see that baby girl sometime though, for sure. I can’t wait to see her little Kelsey-face! Take care, Kels! XO


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